If you are looking for free bots that make a profit for you, 1 tick digit over bots is the right choice for you. It’s one of the easiest and most reliable bots over there. Newbies can use this bot to make his/her first profit from binary.
The strategy behind this bot is digit over. And the magic number is 2. Tick duration is 1. So, each bet wins when the last number of the price is over 2 in 1 tick education. You can change the magic number to test. Change the magic number whatever you like. If you want to test digit over bots with different tick duration, you can get digit auto, digit over 3, and digit over 2 bots.
It’s one of the best profitable bots. 1 tick digit over bots can give you an 85% plus winning rate and ultimately you will make a profit. If you like you can test it on your virtual account, you can download this bot from the below link.
The emotional factor is the main factor for binary options trading success. Do not run this bot or any bot for a long time. Any bot which is running for a long-time eventually loses money.
How to Start:
Step 1: Binary bot Registration: https://provenbinarybot.com/Bot
Or Deriv (New Binary.com brand): https://provenbinarybot.com/Deriv
Step 2: Go to bot.binary.com or deriv.app/bot
Step 3: Upload the downloaded .xml file
Step 4: Run the bot
Step 5: Make money
Recommended Settings:
Recommended balance is $50
Initial Amount: $0.35
Stop Loss: $50 Target
Profit: $1-$2 (You can use more, but making 5% is already very good)
Please watch this trading video after download
Contact: pbinarybot@gmail.com
All bots (Discount Price): https://provenbinarybot.com/All-Bots