If you are in love with the price action strategy, a binary option slayer indicator can be your best choice. This is a non-repaint indicator and provides accurate signals. You can also check out other indicators like MPX Grail V3 or Binary Fxx Robot
This indicator is built mainly on the basis of the price action strategy and the trend line. This is non-repaint and does not provide a frequent signal. It only provides a limited but accurate signal from the market analysis. Some of the pro trader who has been trading for a long time built this indicator.
The profitability of this indicator is more than 85%. And if you use martingale steps you can easily make a huge profit from the binary option daily. If you like you can download this indicator and test it to your account. Use a 1-minute time frame and your trade expiry time should be 2-3 minutes for the best result. You can also test 5 minutes of the expiry time.
Do not over trade daily. We recommend to trade 10 times a day and after you lose 2 trade in a day you should stop trading. On the other hand money, management is the main theme for profiting in the binary options world. Control your emotions and do not over trade.
Rules for trade:
Rule 1: Arrow Appear for the call or put trade.
Rule 2: Execute trade immediately or wait to fall back.
Rule 3: Avoid large candle in the market and avoid trade on new
How to Use:
Step 1: Register IQ option: https://provenbinarybot.com/iqoption
Expert Option registration: https://provenbinarybot.com/expertoption
Olymp Trade Registration: https://provenbinarybot.com/Olymp-Trade
Step 2: Download the mt4 Indicator or template files
step 3: Install the indicator MT4 platform,
Step 4: Analyze the market with indicators
Step 5: Make trade using mt4 indicators
Step 6: Make Profit
Please watch this trading video after download
Contact: provenindicators@gmail.com
All Indicators (Discount Price): https://provenbinarybot.com/All-Indicators-and-Bots